“The voice of the earth” 大地の声

Title “The voice of the earth” 大地の声
Material Canvas, oil painting
Size F10号(530×455mm)
Date of production June, 2023

Picture description

When the pandemic started in 2020, a lot of sad things happened, "I live in Japan, but thanks to the TV I could see what happened in all the world". The coronavirus diminished in 2023, but its consequences continue to last over time. This painting tries to bring warmth in this moment of transition.

The title of this oil on canvas painting is "The Voice of the Earth".
We can observe a large stump, laid out in a wide field of wheat, and a girl and a dog sitting together. The Japanese artist suggest that the music you can hear is "I Just Call To Say I Love You" by Stevie Wonder.

Creative process


Starting the oil painting


Oil painting first layer