“Mizuasagi color feeling” 水浅葱な気分

Title “Mizuasagi color feeling” 水浅葱な気分
Material Canvas, oil painting
Size SM(227×158mm)
Date of production 15th, December, 2022

Picture description

The color "Mizuasagi" is one of the traditional colors of Japan. It can be described as an aquamarine color. Mizuasagi (mizuasagi) literally means "onion color tinged with light blue." Japanese onions, known as Negi, acquire this color when immersed in water repeatedly.

History of this color. As the name suggests, "水浅葱 Mizu-asagi" is a variation of the color "浅葱 Asagi", which was popular during the Edo period (1603-1868). However, in the Mizu-asagi variation, this shade did not seem to be very popular, and there is even a poem that describes this color as the color of sinners.

NFT June, 2023