“The Fuji-iro color Maiden” 藤色の乙女

Title “The Fuji-iro color Maiden” 藤色の乙女
Material Canvas, oil painting
Size SM(227×158mm)
Date of production 15th, December, 2022

Picture description

The color "Fuji-iro" is a traditional Japanese color. "藤 Fu-ji" means wisteria flower, and is a light purple color, similar to mauve. The origin of the name is, of course, the color of wisteria flowers, which in Japan bloom from late spring to early summer.

The wisteria flower has been loved since ancient times in Japan, but especially by the aristocrats of the Heian period (794-1185). The wisteria was of a special color, and it is not only a beautiful flower, but also a strong and long-lived plant. It seems that the Heian aristocrats saw this flower as a symbol of nobility and prosperity.

NFT June, 2023